Games with aspect transfer mechanics - an IFDB Poll

by David Welbourn
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One really cool thing about interactive fiction games is that they don't need to conform to normal physics. Sometimes, a game will let you take an abstract quality from something, as if it was its own object, and use it on something else to give that thing that quality. I can think of five games that do something like that. Are there others?

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PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen
2 votes
"You can take the..." [+]"You can take the noun part of a simile from something and then put that figurative object onto something else so the simile applies to the new object." --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) --OverThinking...

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Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist, by Xavid
1 vote
"You can transfer..." [+]"You can transfer virtues from one object to another." --David Welbourn...

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Yes, Another Game with a Dragon!, by John Kean
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Pinstripe...

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Djibouti Dirigible Discombobulation, by Sam Kabo Ashwell
1 vote
"You have a tool..." [+]"You have a tool that absorbs unusual qualities from things (nationality, art style, multidimensional, etc.) and then you can project those qualities into other things." --David Welbourn...

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Savoir-Faire, by Emily Short
1 vote
"The game's central mechanic involves attaching one object's qualities to another" [+]"The game's central mechanic involves attaching one object's qualities to another" --Mike Russo...

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Indigo, by Emily Short
1 vote
"You can take the..." [+]"You can take the age from things, making them younger, then put that timespan onto something else, making it older." --David Welbourn...

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Four Days of Summer, by David Welbourn
1 vote
"You can peel..." [+]"You can peel colours from things and put them on other things, changing their colour." --David Welbourn...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):