So I'm fairly new to IFs in general, but I've been enjoying reading some of the IFs on this site. Now I want to get my feet wet a bit, and try writing my own IF.
In that regard, I would like to know some IFs that are considered great role models or classics, IF's that have set the bar for the genre.
Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota 4 votes "A modern IF classic" [+]"A modern IF classic: A good example of how thorough testing and implementation enriches a game." () --Molly... "Short, seemingly simple, brilliant" [+]"Short, seemingly simple, brilliant: Excellent puzzle design and NPC management, and awesome writing to boot!" () --Mostly Useless... (No comment) [+](No comment) --explorington... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --DJ... Vote for this game | |
Photopia, by Adam Cadre 3 votes "Narrative, narrative, narrative." [+]"Narrative, narrative, narrative." --Marsh... "Great example of..." [+]"Great example of puzzle-less IF. One of the first to be produced, if I'm not mistaken." () --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --DJ... Vote for this game | |
Shade, by Andrew Plotkin 2 votes "Can't have too much Zarf on lists like this" [+]"Can't have too much Zarf on lists like this: A great horror story. Shows how effective good writing can be to setting a mood, and uses intentional 'bugs' to great effect." () --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --DJ... Vote for this game | |
The Dreamhold, by Andrew Plotkin 1 vote "Extremely..." [+]"Extremely player-friendly, and an excellent example of exposition and characterization through setting. Doesn't play around much with the form of the medium, so it's a good indicator of what players may expect of your work. " --Dominic Delabruere... Vote for this game | |
All Roads, by Jon Ingold 1 vote "Research, immersion, writing prowess" [+]"Research, immersion, writing prowess" () --Marsh... Vote for this game | |
The Witness, by Stu Galley 1 vote "Witness is a classic " [+]"Witness is a classic : Witness is one of the earliest IF games to break out of the "adventure" mold. It's a nice small-scale murder mystery, with logical clues, a good writing style and some unique twists. And it's not too difficult. So this gives me hope I can write something in this genre!" ( - Full review) --ZUrlocker... Vote for this game | |
Bronze, by Emily Short 1 vote "Very well..." [+]"Very well written, well thought out, and player-friendly." --darint... Vote for this game | |
Poll created on March 24, 2013