Dominic Delabruere


Member since December 20, 2007
Last visited June 1, 2013
Profile ID (TUID): 8v0ulswy2ggxvyar

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I used to call myself Kazuki Mishima. On IFMud and elsewhere, I'm lunasspecto. I've got a little blog at

P.S. I totally didn't contribute enough to Alabaster to deserve any credit for it. Maybe a sentence of mine is in there. Maybe. So don't go thinking I'm a genius for writing it.

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Interactive Fiction by Dominic Delabruere

Alabaster, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, Ziv Wities (2009)
(126 ratings)
The Queen has told you to return with her heart in a box. Snow White has made you promise to make other arrangements. Now that you're alone in the forest, it's hard to know which of the two women...

The Endling Archive, by Kazuki Mishima (2009)
(29 ratings)
Browse the Endling Archive to uncover the purpose of its creation.

Pale Blue Light, by Kazuki Mishima (2011)
(8 ratings)
"Sophie actually enjoyed the festival every year. She enjoyed the lights, the songs, and the crispness of the air. It was only the crowds that made her uneasy and drove her into the solitude she...

Buried In Shoes, by Kazuki Mishima (2008)
(23 ratings)

Everything is about the question. [blurb from IF Comp 2008]

Stalling for Time, by Dominic Delabruere (2011)
(1 rating)
You and Kerouac are both at least nominally from Lowell. And you’re both from Québécois families. But the similarity ends about there. What you need, he said, is “the energy of a benny...

See all 7 games by Dominic Delabruere

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Polls by Dominic Delabruere

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Reviews by Dominic Delabruere

Mahadev, by Bob Reeves   May 22, 2011 (edited: May 23, 2011)
"Well, that was embarrassing. I wrote a review of this game earlier, and had to rewrite it after a couple folks pointed out to me that the..." - See the full review

Dinnertime, by Bob Reeves   May 22, 2011
""Dinnertime" is a single puzzle that presents itself as a sort of allegory for a fundamental problem of the human condition -- how to eat..." - See the full review

The Endling Archive, by Kazuki Mishima   February 18, 2009
"I hesitate to call this interactive fiction. It has a much lower level of interaction than "mainstream" IF."

Violet, by Jeremy Freese   November 17, 2008
"Violet is deeply implemented, contains challenging-enough-to-be-fun puzzles and a fine hint system, and tells a really charming story. It..." - See the full review

Buried In Shoes, by Kazuki Mishima   October 10, 2008 (edited: November 21, 2008)
"I made "Somewhere" as a sort of exercise during a break from writing this, so this is essentially my first whole work of interactive..." - See the full review

See all 11 reviews by Dominic Delabruere
See all ratings and reviews by Dominic Delabruere