Jigsaw, by Graham Nelson Average member rating: (84 ratings) New Year's Eve, 1999, a quarter to midnight and where else to be but Century Park! Fireworks cascade across the sky, your stomach rumbles uneasily, music and lasers howl across the parkland... Not exactly... |
Jolly Good: Cakes and Ale, by Kreg Segall Average member rating: (11 ratings) Get yourself into and out of another fine mess! As the newest member of London's elite "Noble Gases" social club, you'll win glory, renown, and much-needed money through various cunning schemes that will... |
The Journey of the King, by Peter Nepstad Average member rating: (6 ratings) "The King goeth upon a journey with many horses, yet riding upon none, when the pomp of travelling shall be heard in the streets and the sound of the lute and the drum and the name of the King. And I would... |
Ka, by Dan Efran Average member rating: (20 ratings) For an Egyptian mummy's soul - or "Ka" - death is but the first step on a puzzling and perilous journey. The second step? Getting out of all those coffins.... |
The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher Average member rating: (79 ratings) January 14th Dear friend. My sojourn in parts foreign is at an ende. I am at lodgings in Southwark not far from the bridge at Stoney Street, come dine with me two days hence to ring in the newe year. I have... |
Klub Karisma, by Christian Bluemke Average member rating: (8 ratings) You are the most dashing dog groomer in town and your girlfriend's just dumped you for a male stripper from the Hamburg Reeperbahn. So stop whining and go get her back, for the night has only just begun... |
L: A Mathemagical Adventure, by members of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics co-ordinated by Richard Phillips, and including Derek Ball, Tony Corbett, David Rooke, Heather Scott, Alan Shaw, Margaret Stevens, Ruth Townsend, Jo Waddingham, Roger Waddingham, John Warwick, Alan Wigley, John Wood, and David Wooldridge. Average member rating: (4 ratings) It is a very hot day. You are sitting on the grass outside a crumbling palace. Your sister is reading a book called Fractions and the Four Rules — 5000 Carefully Graded Problems. You are bored and the heat... |
La Cara Oculta de la Luna, by KRAC Llegas a una mansión abandonada para participar en un experimento psicológico, pero pronto se convertirá en algo mucho más siniestro. El anuncio no dejaba lugar a dudas: "Prestigioso psicólogo catedrático de... |
La Casa al Otro Lado de la Tormenta | The House on the Other Side of the Storm, by Pablo Martínez Merino (AKA Depresiv) Average member rating: (2 ratings) The house, on the other side of the storm, keeps the terrible secret of a family, and the origin of the known universe. The English version of 'La casa al otro lado de la tormenta'. |
La Musa, by Javier Carrascosa Average member rating: (2 ratings) Sentado en algún punto de apoyo invisible, en una oscuridad infinita, tu mirada se clava en el libro de páginas eternas que escribes con la ayuda de tu musa, acompañante fiel en tu pena y en tu pesar. Detrás... |
La Noche del Ensayo, by Guillermo Crespi Average member rating: (2 ratings) "La Noche del Ensayo" tiene sus raíces en los relatos de misterio con un grupo de extraños aislados en una lujosa casa donde algo sale muy mal. En este caso, sin embargo, no se trata de la aristocracia de... |
La Pietra della Luna, by Paolo Lucchesi Average member rating: (2 ratings) Un oscuro pericolo minaccia la pacifica valle di Nigat e il mondo intero. Un giovane investigatore al servizio dell'inquisizione dovra' riuscire a scoprire cosa nascondono le notti nella foresta e quali... |
Lady Thalia and the Seraskier Sapphires, by Emery Joyce and N. Cormier Average member rating: (21 ratings) Navigate fraught social situations by day and pull off heists by night as Lady Thalia, the not-actually-aristocratic thief bent on making a mockery of British high society. |
Ladykiller in a Bind, by Christine Love Average member rating: (5 ratings) My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind!! or, Ladykiller in a Bind Can you survive seven days trapped on a cruise ship... |
LAKE Adventure, by B.J. Best Average member rating: (26 ratings) ═════════════════════════════ ... |
Language Arts, by Jared Jackson Average member rating: (4 ratings) Are you a creative problem solver looking for career in an exciting and fast growing field? Do you seek out intellectual challenges that others are scared to face? Crystal Clear Communications, the world's... |
LASH -- Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup, by Paul O'Brian Average member rating: (42 ratings) In this historical drama and treasure hunt set in 2062, you have rented a robot called a MULE that you can control remotely to salvage artifacts from an abandoned irradiated plantation near Macon, Georgia.... |
Leadlight, by Wade Clarke Average member rating: (34 ratings) 15-year-old Belinda Nettle is studying at Linville Girls High School in Australia's Blue Mountains. After falling asleep in the library one afternoon, she wakes from her mundane existence into a nightmare... |