Napier's Cache, by Vivienne Dunstan IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (13 ratings) Scotland, 1594: You're used to strange requests in your role as servant to John Napier. He's not just famous as a mathematician, but is also known for his occult skills and knowledge, still valued in these... |
Nautilisia, by Ryan Veeder Average member rating: (41 ratings) Your friend claims to be in a coma. |
Obituario, by Santiago Eximeno IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) -Vamos, vamos, céntrate, sabes lo que debes hacer -dice la voz.... |
Once upon a winter night, the ragman came singing under your window, by Expio IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (5 ratings) "Maybe it was the cold or the sensation of emptiness to my side, but I was fully awake. I didn't dare to move, so I just lay there, very still, looking at the ceiling with my hands hidden under the sheets. I... |
Open Sorcery, by Abigail Corfman IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (79 ratings) You are online. You are fire and order. You are here to protect. ---- "Open Sorcery" is a game about technology, magic and becoming a person. It follows the development of an Elemental Firewall--a creature... |
Pan de ajo, by Incanus IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (3 ratings) Best Playability on spanish Premios Hispanos 2009. You're a kid, waking up from a nap, with chores to do before your parents, arrive home from work... hunting vampires. Ganadora de Mejor Jugabilidad en... |
The Pawn, by Rob Steggles, Peter Kemp, Hugh Steers, Ken Gordon, and Geoff Quilley IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (29 ratings) The Pawn is an adventure game set in the magical world of Kerovnia during a period of tremendous social upheaval. Recently, King Erik, the present ruler of the land, has started to lose his hold on the... |
Photopia, by Adam Cadre Average member rating: (568 ratings) "Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together." |
Pluto, en los tiempos del flamenco, by Billy Fernández IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) "El flamenco es la ciencia del tiempo. Al son de las palmas se retuercen las horas y los días y entre los dedos se entretejen los momentos. Presta atención Pluto: Si no interiorizas el ritmo, quién sabe... |
The Poisoned Soup | 有毒之湯, by Junting Dong IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) The Poisoned Soup is a Traditional Chinese text adventure horror game created with RenPy visual novel engine. The story adapted from the famous Japanese scenario "Poison Soup", which was written for the TRPG... |
Por la necedad humana, by El Clérigo Urbatain IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (2 ratings) La familia Tsugonawa ha vivido tranquilamente en su localidad durante generaciones. Han compartido momentos entrañables y han tenido malos momentos, pero ahora tienen que irse de la casa en la que han... |
Portal a casa, by GreatGreenGoat Juego de escape textual desarrollado en Twine. Te ves atrapado en una dimensión funesta y sólo hay una manera de escapar. |
The Queen's Menagerie, by Chandler Groover IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (40 ratings) These beasts won't feed themselves. A puzzleless exhibition. Ten to fifteen minutes. |
Rastros, by Incanus IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (2 ratings) A sci-fi short tale; you are in charge of an experimental botanical station so you must do some pest control... but, betimes, cleaning the garden's pests can be quite a dangeorus chore. Un relato corto de... |
Retratos sobre la Violencia Española, by Ruber Eaglenest IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) Escrita para la ECTOCOMP 2017 |
Rogue of the Multiverse, by C.E.J. Pacian IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (75 ratings) Congratulations, convict 76954! You have been selected for scientific experimentation! You will be matter-transmitted to exotic non-Treaty worlds - where opportunities abound to take in fantastic sights and... |
RPG-ish, by Stuart Lilford IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (19 ratings) A micro-RPG made for Twiny Jam (make a Twine game using 300 words or less). |
Ryan Veeder's Authentic Fly Fishing, by Ryan Veeder IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (15 ratings) Relax at the Jewel Pond Recreation Area with Ryan Veeder as your guide. |
Salpicada por un horror blasfemo, by Curro Esbrí IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (2 ratings) Salpicada por un horror blasfemo es un hipertexto narrativo que contiene una historia lovecraftiana ambientada en el Madrid de 1932 y protagonizada por Glory Gimeno, una corista del Teatro Romea. Ha sido... |
Se alquila, by Meri Palas IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) «Se alquila», eso dice el flamante cartel que cuelga de la destartalada puerta ... y llegas tarde. La casa se alza al otro lado de una imponente verja oxidada estilo victoriano, una verdadera mansión... |
Seedship, by John Ayliff IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (53 ratings) An AI ship full of frozen colonists must find the best planet to be the new home of the human race. |
Serie Minúscula, by Grendel Khan and Pablo Martínez Merino (AKA Depresiv) IFforL2's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) La luz allá a lo lejos revela la única salida posible para tí y tus hermanas, y poder escapar de éste frío intenso y aterrador, rodeadas de la más absoluta oscuridad. ¿Podréis escapar de aquí, de... |