'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus, by Victor Gijsbers Edo's rating: Average member rating: They shot you in the leg, the sheriff or one of his men, but you still managed to get away. You always manage to get away. And while they're off pursuing you to, who knows, perhaps Colorado, you have quietly... |
"Do Not Meddle", by Teaspoon Edo's rating: Average member rating: Will you be one of the naughty, meddling boys, or the good one who obeys the dictum "DO NOT MEDDLE"? Done largely as an exercise in third-person coding, this is a verbose adaptation of a 19th century Moral... |
"So, About Last Night...", by Elissa Black Edo's rating: Average member rating: Los Angeles, CA 1996 Okay, so it’s not the first time you’ve hooked up with a stranger at a party. And it’s certainly not the first time you’ve woken up feeling like death after a party. This is,... |
(almost eleven), by spacedfoxes Edo's rating: Average member rating: an interactive prose poem about breaking up with a friend, written for the neo twiny jam. content warnings: mentions (very) vague references to queerphobia |
(not so) strangers in the night, by manonamora Edo's rating: Average member rating: Zach and Irene decide to play a little game tonight. What could go wrong with pretending to be strangers... ? This short interactive fiction piece was created for the SeedComp!, ShuffleComp and the Zach Jam.... |
(You Can't) Escape the Unholy City, by alyshkalia Edo's rating: Average member rating: A game written for Shufflecomp 2023, based on the songs "Welcome to the Unholy City" by Thomas Ligotti and "Renegade" by Styx. Note: includes brief use of shaking text on one screen. |
[You wake up itching.], by Michael S. Gentry Edo's rating: Average member rating: This game is an entry in the Mystery House Taken Over project. The story and graphics are adapted from Roberta Williams' original Mystery House. With illustrations subtly changed but in a style like the... |
A/The Gift, by b_splendens Edo's rating: Average member rating: a silly little conversation. so silly! no variables or anything. just some alternate responses that reveal different kinds of information. |
#VanLife, by Victoria Edo's rating: Average member rating: The first thought is always the same: ‘coffee’. The warm glow of the kettle fills the van as it comes to life at an enviable pace. Suddenly, with a snap, the lights shut off, the kettle dies with... |
~~~Into Darkness~~~, by Jacic Edo's rating: Average member rating: Straying into the dark is easy, returning is far harder. |
10pm, by litrouke Edo's rating: Average member rating: 10pm, and dinner is still sitting in the oven. The TV is droning. The front door is closed. You look at the clock. You look at the door. You wait. --- Content warnings: profanity, allusions to sex and... |
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds, by Abigail Corfman Edo's rating: Average member rating: You're a vampire hunter on your night off. You're getting a manicure, seeing a movie, and eating fast food. But there's a vampire in this McDonalds. If you don't do something, then in one hour it will eat... |
198BREW, by H. M. Faust (aka DWaM) Edo's rating: Average member rating: 198X. Long after Adin's discovery. After the Night of the Comets. Sometime after she went away. Three days after you buried the cat. You stand in your kitchen. And you find yourself out of coffee. Step into... |
1K Cupid, by Elizabeth Smyth Edo's rating: Average member rating: Perhaps you spread a little too much love in the wrong places. Don't worry about it. Point is, the king overreacted, and now you're here. A simple one-room parser game in one thousand words for sub-Q... |
20 Exchange Place, by Sol FC Edo's rating: Average member rating: Sink or swim in the concrete pool. ... |