oddgrue's Played Games

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9:05, by Adam Cadre
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (538 ratings)

The phone rings. Oh, no — how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad. The phone rings.

Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (135 ratings)

"With the cantankerous Wizard of Wordplay evicted from his mansion, the worthless plot can now be redeveloped. The city regulations declare, however, that the rip-down job can't proceed until all the items...

Adventure (Program Power, 1983), by Program Power
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Your objective in this adventure is to find the Princess and bring her back from the Magic Caverns. Whilst pursuing this aim you may well benefit by getting back the various treasures that you will come...

Alias 'The Magpie', by J. J. Guest
Average member rating: (74 ratings)

Sir Rodney Playfair, gentleman thief, has a simple plan: impersonate a psychiatrist, infiltrate a country house, steal a priceless Egyptian scarab and make it back to London in time for cocktails. All in a...

All Roads, by Jon Ingold
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (155 ratings)

"Wave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread For he on honey-dew hath fed And drunk the milk of paradise." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]

Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (396 ratings)

You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little...

And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One, by B.J. Best
Average member rating: (68 ratings)

Title: Infinite Adventure Year: 1986 Genre: Adventure Summary: Wander through an apparently infinite number of spooky mansions, solving a basic puzzle in each one. ForgottenGames.com rating: ★ ★ ★

A Change in the Weather, by Andrew Plotkin
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (70 ratings)

"Walking away from a picnic, you are suddenly caught in a country storm. You must protect a bridge from being destroyed. An ultra-linear game." [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
The Chinese Room, by Harry Josephine Giles and Joey Jones
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (34 ratings)
The Chinese Room is a hilarious romp through the world of philosophical thought experiments. Have you ever wanted to win Zeno's race? Free the denizens of Plato's Cave? Or find out what it's really like to...

Curses, by Graham Nelson
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (132 ratings)

"As "Curses" opens, you're hunting about in the attic of your family home, looking for a tatty old map of Paris (you're going on holiday tomorrow) and generally trying to avoid all the packing. Aunt Jemima...

De Baron, by Victor Gijsbers
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (161 ratings)

An evil nobleman, a kidnapped daughter and a father who wants to rescue her at any cost--that is not the way life works. Something much darker, something much more human, lies underneath. Een kwaadaardige...

Deadline, by Marc Blank
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (58 ratings)

Twelve hours to solve the mystery. One false move, and the killer strikes again. It's been called "part of the latest craze in home computing (TIME magazine), an "amazing feat of programming" (THE NEW YORK...

Delightful Wallpaper, by Andrew Plotkin ('Edgar O. Weyrd')
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (78 ratings)

Dorm: Adventure at the 8-Bit Assembly , by Carrington Vanston
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

PLOT You’ve heard about the 8-Bit Assembly for ages: a retro Apple II computer convention where attendees stay in a university dorm along with fellow vintage computer nerds. You’ve been looking forward to it...

The Edifice, by Lucian P. Smith
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

"Something new in your everyday hunter-gatherer routine: where did this strange edifice come from? Dare you enter and explore the secrets of this... thing, or do you try to face your enemies? Like you have a...

Floatpoint, by Emily Short
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (99 ratings)

It is night on this side of the planet. Settled areas are lit: a jagged crescent in the tropics, lining the inland sea. The bright splatter along the top of the curve is Tanhua, as bright from space as New...

Gun Mute, by C.E.J. Pacian
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (154 ratings)

Step into the shoes of Mute Lawton, a lone cowboy who must stop an execution set to occur at noon by shooting his way past dangerous cyborgs and mutants in a post-apocalyptic western setting. (From the...

Hadean Lands, by Andrew Plotkin
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (68 ratings)

Marooned in an alien, airless wasteland -- your starship fractured -- your crewmates missing. Can an apprentice alchemist learn how to survive?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (185 ratings)

Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary...

The Impossible Bottle, by Linus Åkesson
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (82 ratings)

Housework is only as dull as your imagination. Join Emma, six years old, on a playful adventure of peculiar proportions. Merciful puzzlefest. Parser or point-and-click, as you please. Web (including mobile)...

Jealousy Duel X, by Alex Camelio
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

The Magic Toyshop, by Gareth Rees
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (20 ratings)
A one-location game in which you play a series of puzzles against a shopkeeper in order to get a present. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
A Matter of Importance, by Valentine Kopteltsev
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (10 ratings)
All those scoundrels on The Board Of The Thieves' Guild... How could they? Sure, the last weeks weren't your most successful ones (in fact, you'd be glad to raze them from your memory if you only could), and...

Möbius, by J.D. Clemens
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (35 ratings)

Another mission. Just when you had settled in for a nap.

My Name is Jack Mills, by Juhana Leinonen
oddgrue's rating:
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

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