In this one-puzzle one-room game, you play as a newly-dead chicken, killed when you tried to re-cross a road. Now you're floating in a black void facing a logic puzzle posed by a sign and a choice of four...
Down, by Kent Tessman Cena's rating: Average member rating: (7 ratings)
In this short game, you play as a survivor of an airplane crash. You regain consciousness on a gentle slope with a broken leg, your watch beside you. Help yourself and the other survivors as best you can.
East of Eastwood, by Cardinal Teulbachs Cena's rating: Average member rating: (2 ratings) Hammurabi, by David Ahl and Rick Merrill Cena's rating: Average member rating: (7 ratings) Highnoon, by Christopher Gaylo Average member rating: (2 ratings)
The game is single player and set in the Wild West. The objective of the game is a show down between you and Black Bart. Turns are taken to either move closer, run or shoot. Both the player and Bart have...
Spur, by Kent Tessman Average member rating: (6 ratings) Tetris, by Alexey Pajitnov Cena's rating: Average member rating: (11 ratings)
Tetris for the Z-machine, an original "fun" entry for the 1995 IF Competition. Needs an interpreter capable of timed events to work properly. [--blurb for FreeFall from The Z-Files Catalogue]
This work is an adaptation of 'Contre à votre façon', which was first published in 'Le nouvel observateur' in July 1967. It was first published as a book in 1981.