songstarliner's Played Games

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9:05, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (537 ratings)

The phone rings. Oh, no — how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad. The phone rings.

Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort
Average member rating: (135 ratings)

"With the cantankerous Wizard of Wordplay evicted from his mansion, the worthless plot can now be redeveloped. The city regulations declare, however, that the rip-down job can't proceed until all the items...

All Things Devours, by half sick of shadows
Average member rating: (95 ratings)

From the game's about command: "All Things Devours is a short piece of interactive fiction, leaning strongly towards the text-adventure end of the spectrum. It explores an all-too-familiar science fiction...

Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
Average member rating: (395 ratings)

You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little...

The Beetmonger's Journal, by Scott Starkey
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

"Victor Lapot and I were miles from base camp on the south continent, once again hacking through previously unsurveyed lands and searching for forgotten cultures. The expedition reminded me of our grand...

Blue Chairs, by Chris Klimas
Average member rating: (94 ratings)

Bureaucracy, by Douglas Adams, The Staff of Infocom
Average member rating: (48 ratings)

IMPORTANT! Our records show that you do not have a license to operate this software. Normally, you would be required to complete a License Application Form and mail it (with proof of purchase) to our...

A Day for Soft Food, by Tod Levi
Average member rating: (29 ratings)

"Ever since the provider's sickness began, he's been all hisses and growls. Even the slightest misstep seems to annoy him. Perhaps that's why your bowl has held nothing but hard food lately. And not much of...

Deadline, by Marc Blank
Average member rating: (58 ratings)

Twelve hours to solve the mystery. One false move, and the killer strikes again. It's been called "part of the latest craze in home computing (TIME magazine), an "amazing feat of programming" (THE NEW YORK...

Earth and Sky 2: Another Earth, Another Sky, by Paul O'Brian
Average member rating: (54 ratings)

Earth And Sky 3: Luminous Horizon, by Paul O'Brian
Average member rating: (42 ratings)

Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

In Enchanter, the first of a spellbinding series in the tradition of Zork, you are a novice magician whom Fate has chosen to do singlehanded combat with a dark and fierce power. But worldly weapons will...

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (185 ratings)

Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary...

Hollywood Hijinx, by Dave Anderson, Liz Cyr-Jones
Average member rating: (32 ratings)

Vampire Penguins. A Corpse Line. Meltdown on Elm Street. Who could forget these classic Hollywood movies produced by your uncle, Buddy Burbank? But his greatest masterpiece has yet to be experienced......

I-0, by Anonymous
Average member rating: (158 ratings)

Stranded on Interstate Zero after your car broke down, you are miles away from the last sign of civilization. It's twenty minutes to noon and the temperature is well over 120°F. It's beginning to look like...

Little Blue Men, by Michael S. Gentry
Average member rating: (71 ratings)

This game is a joke. This game is a warning. This game is a satire. This game is inspired in equal parts by Vaclav Havel's "The Memorandum" and Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". This...

The Lurking Horror, by Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (92 ratings)

A winter night at the G.U.E. tech campus with most students away on vacation serves as the backdrop for this tale of Lovecraftian horror.

The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet, by Graham Nelson (as Angela M. Horns)
Average member rating: (51 ratings)

Another day wasted as guest of the Empress, a wretchedly long tour of the breath-taking Boreal Falls, conducted as ever by the Lady Amilia. As if she weren't bad enough, an honour guard of soldiers, their...

Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, by Jim Aikin
Average member rating: (30 ratings)

Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (121 ratings)

"Join the Patrol, and see the Galaxy!" You took the poster's advice, bait and all, and marched right over to the recruitment station near your home on the backwater planet of Gallium. Images of exotic...

Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
Average member rating: (215 ratings)

In the beginning was the Word, and it was hungry. ...

Starcross, by Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (50 ratings)

Starcross, Infocom's science fiction mind-bender, launches you headlong into the year 2186 and the depths of space. And not without good reason, for you are destined to rendezvous with a gargantuan starship...

Stationfall, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (46 ratings)

What a trotting krip! Since your incredible heroics in Planetfall, where you risked life and limb to save the planet Resida, things have hardly changed at all. Sure, you were promoted to Lieutenant First...

Trinity, by Brian Moriarty
Average member rating: (102 ratings)

You're neither an adventurer nor a professional thrill-seeker. You're simply an American tourist in London, enjoying a relaxing stroll through the famous Kensington Gardens. When World War III starts and the...

Wishbringer, by Brian Moriarty
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

It's an ordinary day in your ordinary little town, and you've been performing your ordinary mail clerk's duties in an altogether ordinary way. But there's something quite extraordinary in today's mail. It's...

Yes, Another Game with a Dragon!, by John Kean
Average member rating: (27 ratings)

In this game, you play as a brawny adventurer heroically rescuing a fair maiden from a fire-breathing dragon. Oops, sorry, no, that was just a dream. You're actually an out-of-shape drunken lout. But then...

Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (218 ratings)

Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer, you will undoubtedly want to locate these...

Zork III, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Average member rating: (77 ratings)

An old, oddly youthful man turns toward you slowly. His long, silver hair dances about him as a fresh breeze blows. "You have reached the final test, my friend! You are proved clever and powerful, but this...

Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, by Marc Blank, Michael Berlyn, and G. Kevin Wilson
Average member rating: (31 ratings)

Grubald the Bold, Matchlick the Mighty, Linklaw the Lucky; all of the great Heroes are busy, laid up, contracted or dead. So it is you who gets to explore a never before seen part of the Great Underground...

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