Ratings and Reviews by BlitzWithGuns

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View this member's reviews by tag: 2014 IF Competition 8th Annual New Year's Interactive Fiction Event
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For a Change, by Dan Schmidt
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
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Nevermore, by Nate Cull
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

IF is Dead. Long Live IF., by Joshua Houk
2 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Basically, it's a review of the IF Comp 2014.., November 26, 2014

Try out this game if you are lazy to look up reviews on the Comp games. Found it nice! :)

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The Voodoo You Do 2, by Marshal Tenner Winter
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

The Warbler's Nest, by Jason McIntosh
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A Cold Grave, by Mike Michalik
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Baluthar, by Chris Molloy Wischer
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Coming Out Simulator 2014, by Nicky Case
A very unique CYOA, November 21, 2014

Well, I have to admit, I never thought CYOA games can be this good. I usually looked down on them, thinking parser commanded games were the best, till I saw this game. The story and interface are great, something that you can't really find in these type of games.

In this game, the main story is about (Spoiler - click to show)a homosexual/bisexual person trying to tell his parents the truth about himself, which is of course, really hard for anyone to do, especially if they are really conservative Asian parents (no racism intended).

The story really touches me, and it shows that not everyone is the same. Some are... unlucky enough to get the Klinefelter syndrome (look it up on the internet!). Conversations are really interesting and really shows what happens in real life if you encounter those situations. (Spoiler - click to show)The mother puking just made me laugh!

Overall, this is a very well made game and is recommended to everyone who loves these slice of life games. I really hope to see more unique and interesting games by the author soon!

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The Train To Abaddon, by Marshal Tenner Winter
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A Decent Steampunk Game!, November 16, 2014

This game is as it promises to be as stated on the game's page. It's short, it's interesting, and it's fun. Games made by Marshal are usually interesting to play and this one is not different.

The game itself is quite minimal, which would serve well as a Speed-IF game. It lacks a in-game hint menu, but since it's quite short, it won't really affect anything. As one of the reviews above states, nothing really goes on in the train. But I am pretty sure that is what will happen in a real attacked train, with the exception of random people running around. More NPC's implemented will definitely improve the game.

The puzzles in this game aren't too hard and mostly uses common sense. When I (Spoiler - click to show)had to fight the clockwork man, the only thing I had in my inventory was the bucket. Why not try using it? In the end, it worked! Shooting it had no effect.

But I'm currently stuck at 1 puzzle that I have no way of solving. (Spoiler - click to show)At the end, there are these robot dogs that I'm suppose to destroy. I found the gem, but I don't really have anything to deal with the robots. Poor Cloe died when I tried to shoot them. I guess I was suppose to use the bucket of sand, but it's too bad that I used it on the robot man.

Having some achievements to earn in the game is also a plus. It gives some extra replay value into the game, though we might be left in the dark if we don't actually know what do we have to achieve. Perhaps making an ABOUT menu with the list will help. A walkthrough will be appreciated too!

Overall, this game has potential to work out fine. More NPC's and some hints to help players help will make it work out nicely. Time for a version 2.0!

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