Ratings and Reviews by BlitzWithGuns

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View this member's reviews by tag: 2014 IF Competition 8th Annual New Year's Interactive Fiction Event
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Fuck That Noise!, by Shawn Trautman
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Beneath the Surface, by Snoother
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

The HUND: The Awesome Alien Dating Sim, by Drakkenn
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Quing's Quest VII: The Death of Videogames!, by Dietrich Squinkifer (Squinky)
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Contrition, by Porpentine
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Where is Everybody?, by D.B.T
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Dysnomia, by Alex Dalliance
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

This Is A Real Thing That Happened, by Carolyn VanEseltine
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

SKATE OUT!, by PaperBlurt
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

Moonwrecked, by Caelyn Sandel (as Colin Sandel) and Carolyn VanEseltine
BlitzWithGuns's Rating:

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