Ratings and Reviews by Ramona G

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Wolf Skin, by Amanda French
Ramona G's Rating:

Little Bird, by Socks Meanie (as Dick Dawson)
Ramona G's Rating:

Base of the Comet, by rosencrantz
Ramona G's Rating:

Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
Ramona G's Rating:

One Night Stand, by Giannis G. Georgiou
Ramona G's Rating:

Eidolon, by A.D. Jansen
Ramona G's Rating:

Tale of the Starweavers, by Angelique Vordan
Ramona G's Rating:

The Fire Tower, by Jacqueline A. Lott
Ramona G's Rating:

AFTERGLOW, by R. N. Goudie
Ramona G's Rating:

It Is Pitch Black, by Caelyn Sandel
Ramona G's Rating:

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