Ratings by wolfbiter

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Citizen Makane, by The Reverend
wolfbiter's Rating:

Death on the Stormrider, by Daniel M. Stelzer
wolfbiter's Rating:

All Hands Abandon Ship, by David Lee
wolfbiter's Rating:

Bright Brave Knight Knave, by Andrew Schultz
wolfbiter's Rating:

To Sea in a Sieve, by J. J. Guest
wolfbiter's Rating:

Have Orb, Will Travel, by Jim MacBrayne (as Older Timer)
wolfbiter's Rating:

Milliways: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Max Fog
wolfbiter's Rating:

Creative Cooking, by dott. Piergiorgio
wolfbiter's Rating:

Magor Investigates..., by Larry Horsfield
wolfbiter's Rating:

A Thing of Wretchedness, by AKheon
wolfbiter's Rating:

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