Polls with votes for One Eye Open

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Games with amusing deaths - 33 votes for 24 games; created April 7, 2015
A poll by Andrew Schultz
Lots of games have one amusing death, but what games best take the concept and run with it? These deaths could be nudges on messing...

im looking for a good horror game - 35 votes for 13 games; created February 22, 2014
A poll by nick love
I'm looking for something with a creepy environment. It also has to be very challenging.

I'm looking for mysteries. - 38 votes for 20 games; created March 14, 2013
A poll by MCCLUTCH32
I like a game with a good story, good puzzles that aren't too difficult to understand and a good mystery. I was thinking more along the...

Top-notch horror or terror games - 115 votes for 29 games; created March 7, 2009
A poll by madducks
I'm looking for games that are the best representations of horror or terror in IF.

Games with great puzzles - 30 votes for 17 games; created December 30, 2008
A poll by Molly
Games that have great puzzle-design. The puzzles need to be logical and internally consistent.

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