I've been closely following IF and the IF community since about 2002.
Please note that my "Played" list does not accurately reflect how many games I've played, I only look up and mark games I've played in a rather serendipitous fashion.
I'm looking for games that are the best representations of horror or terror in IF.
Reviews by madducks
Inherit!, by Gunther Schmidl February 15, 2010 (edited: February 16, 2010)
"Inherit! is a three-room game and, I think, a gag game for a minicomp (or more precisely: The First Ever (And Maybe The Only) Interactive..." - See the full review
"Discord by Sean Barrett was an entry in Speed-IF -1 so the usual expectations of slight implementation very much apply. It also helps to..." - See the full review
""A Night at the Museum Forever" by Chris Angelini, Forth Place finisher in the TADS division of the 1995 ifcomp, is the stereotype of an..." - See the full review
""The One That Got Away" by Leon Lin, third place winner of the TADS division of the first annual IFcomp, is a quirky little game. What..." - See the full review
On Optimism, by Zach Flynn (as Tim Lane) March 4, 2009 (edited: March 5, 2009)
"The fifth sentence of the introduction of “On Optimism” by Tim Lane begins ‘A tear rolled from my eyes’ and we soon find that the..." - See the full review