
Indianapolis, Indiana

Member since October 23, 2007
Last visited October 27, 2015
Profile ID (TUID): 3c0jgugx9udnq94l

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I've been closely following IF and the IF community since about 2002.

Please note that my "Played" list does not accurately reflect how many games I've played, I only look up and mark games I've played in a rather serendipitous fashion.

News about games authored by madducks (RSS Feed)
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Recommended Lists by madducks

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by madducks

Top-notch horror or terror games - 122 votes for 29 games; created March 7, 2009
I'm looking for games that are the best representations of horror or terror in IF.

Reviews by madducks

Inherit!, by Gunther Schmidl   February 16, 2010
"Inherit! is a three-room game and, I think, a gag game for a minicomp (or more precisely: The First Ever (And Maybe The Only) Interactive..." - See the full review

Discord, by Sean Barrett   February 12, 2010
"Discord by Sean Barrett was an entry in Speed-IF -1 so the usual expectations of slight implementation very much apply. It also helps to..." - See the full review

A Night at the Museum Forever, by Chris Angelini   May 4, 2009
""A Night at the Museum Forever" by Chris Angelini, Forth Place finisher in the TADS division of the 1995 ifcomp, is the stereotype of an..." - See the full review

The One That Got Away, by Leon Lin   April 9, 2009
""The One That Got Away" by Leon Lin, third place winner of the TADS division of the first annual IFcomp, is a quirky little game. What..." - See the full review

On Optimism, by Zach Flynn (as Tim Lane)   March 5, 2009
"The fifth sentence of the introduction of “On Optimism” by Tim Lane begins ‘A tear rolled from my eyes’ and we soon find that the..." - See the full review

See all 10 reviews by madducks
See all ratings and reviews by madducks

madducks's Play Lists

Played Games

Bronze, by Emily Short
The Warbler's Nest, by Jason McIntosh
Lonely Places, by Nick Marsh
Violet, by Jeremy Freese
Fear, by Chuan-Tze Teo

See all 44 entries in the Played List

Wish List

The Woods Are Dark, by Laurence Moore
rendition, by nespresso
The Horror of Rylvania, by D. A. Leary
Building, by Poster
Baluthar, by Chris Molloy Wischer

See all 18 entries in the Wish List

"Not Interested" List

This member hasn't added any games to his "Not Interested" List yet.