Polls with votes for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Go to this game's overview1–10 of 20 | Next | Show AllWhat game first got you interested in IF? (2013–present) -
14 votes for 11 games; created December 30, 2024A poll by
dfrankeWhat game first got you interested in interactive fiction? This may, or may not, be the first IF game you ever played. Respond to this...
fourth wall breaking -
15 votes for 12 games; created February 17, 2024A poll by
CygnusOkay, I swear this will be my last poll for the month. BUT. I love fourth-wall breaking. I am a simple guy. I love when games mess with...
Best mechanical/physics puzzles. -
13 votes for 12 games; created June 23, 2021A poll by
RovarssonI had a lot of fun with the underground trolley puzzle in Axe of Kolt by Larry Horsfield. Any other games that feature cool mechanical...
Games that are adaptations of conventional (not CYOA) books -
42 votes for 28 games; created February 24, 2021A poll by
ChrisMI'm interested in games that are straightforward adaptations of conventional books (probably novels, but I'd be interested to know if...
The absolute hardest non-broken games you've played -
39 votes for 24 games; created September 23, 2017A poll by
MathBrushAfter reading Jason Dyer's post on his excellent adventure blog (at bluerenga.wordpress.com) about the hardest adventure ever (which I...
Canonicity and IF -
243 votes for 57 games; created July 27, 2017A poll by
juliaofbathI'm interested in determining whether or not a clear canon has emerged within the world of IF/hypertext. Of course, there is a clear...
First IF that you have ever played -
76 votes for 40 games; created August 23, 2014A poll by
BlitzWithGunsWhat is the first IF that you have ever played? The game that made you love the concept of IF?
Good sci-fi games -
61 votes for 29 games; created May 29, 2014A poll by
IFDentI'm looking for a good science fiction game (sci-fi game) for example, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Infocom. Can't get enough...
Games with unique hint systems -
51 votes for 28 games; created April 27, 2014A poll by
delanoI'm looking for games that offer hints in any way, except for printing them in sequence on the screen. For example: characters that offer...
Best sci-fi games -
68 votes for 36 games; created July 8, 2013A poll by
Ant-FanI'm looking for games from the sci-fi genre. I would prefer classic-style games, even if they're not classics (such as 'Across The...
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