Polls with votes for Hunter, in Darkness

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Games with non-standard directions - 29 votes for 20 games; created December 28, 2014
A poll by Andrew Schultz
I'm wondering about games (primarily parser) with weird directions beyond NW/SW/SE/NE, up, down or inside/outside. I like the example in...

First IF that you have ever played - 76 votes for 40 games; created August 23, 2014
A poll by BlitzWithGuns
What is the first IF that you have ever played? The game that made you love the concept of IF?

Most inappropriate response. - 15 votes for 9 games; created March 19, 2013
A poll by Biep
Sometimes responses simply don't make sense - but sometimes they DO make sense, but inappropriately so, with sometimes humorous results....

Villains - 35 votes for 19 games; created September 1, 2010
A poll by Victor Gijsbers
"[T]he thief [in Zork] is important to the development of interactive fiction because he functions as a true villain, not simply an...

Solved without Hints - 212 votes for 114 games; created July 16, 2010
A poll by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least)...

Bound by human frailties??? - 28 votes for 20 games; created June 23, 2010
A poll by Stickz
I'm looking for games where the PC is faced with needs like eating, sleeping, and thirst. Unusual inventory limitations. Things that make...

Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun' - 49 votes for 25 games; created July 16, 2009
A poll by Jeremy Freese
Everybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?

Best Short Games (5-60 minutes) - 224 votes for 68 games; created July 12, 2009
A poll by Sasha Davidovna
I'm pretty new to IF and am having a lot of fun, but in between a toddler and a job and other real life stuff, I'm having trouble finding...

Must-play games - 313 votes for 60 games; created March 26, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I am looking for the games that, in your opinion, you simply must have played in order to really call yourself an IF aficionado. Or if...

Vivid games - 137 votes for 47 games; created March 8, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I'm looking for games that evoked strong feelings or strong mental images that stayed with you long after you finished the games.

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