Polls with votes for Metamorphoses

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Games Centered Around Devices/Machines - 31 votes for 17 games; created August 1, 2022
A poll by Amanda Walker
I'm looking for games that heavily feature learning how to use a device or machine. For instance, the machine in Emily Short's...

Best mechanical/physics puzzles. - 13 votes for 12 games; created June 23, 2021
A poll by Rovarsson
I had a lot of fun with the underground trolley puzzle in Axe of Kolt by Larry Horsfield. Any other games that feature cool mechanical...

Medium-hard puzzle and adventure games - 7 votes for 7 games; created April 6, 2021
A poll by Bentabnick
If you made or can find a medium-hard adventure game, puzzle game, or both, please respond.

Original short adventure games - 4 votes for 4 games; created February 18, 2021
A poll by DarkWolf
I'm searching for an adventure game that's relatively short, with good descriptions - kind of like Spider and Web. Is there any other...

Games featuring a central evolving puzzle mechanism - 29 votes for 13 games; created December 16, 2020
A poll by Lance Campbell
Looking for any games that feature a core puzzle mechanism that the player masters and expands upon throughout the game. The puzzle...

games with female protagonists - 56 votes for 38 games; created July 11, 2018
A poll by X.W

Games with the best writing - 69 votes for 32 games; created October 18, 2017
A poll by A. I. Wulf
Games are a new medium of art. It's still a maturing medium. But still some works May have succeeded in being truly classic in their...

Canonicity and IF - 243 votes for 57 games; created July 27, 2017
A poll by juliaofbath
I'm interested in determining whether or not a clear canon has emerged within the world of IF/hypertext. Of course, there is a clear...

Best cover art - 65 votes for 44 games; created June 17, 2017
A poll by MathBrush
What games have really good cover art?

Games with Toys - 45 votes for 28 games; created March 12, 2017
A poll by IFforL2
I want to distinguish toys from three other IF game elements: Puzzles require the player to find a solution to a problem in the...

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