Polls with votes for Seedship

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1-10 of 10

Games Where the Title Is You - 57 votes for 46 games; created September 11, 2020
A poll by AKheon
Games with a title that is the same as the main character.

Best Mobile Games that Aren't Choicescript - 13 votes for 7 games; created December 8, 2019
A poll by thecanvasrose
I've run into some cool ones. Let's hear it! 》 Choicescript games are often (but not always) titled "Choice of ____." Games like "Choice...

Wide open spaces. - 20 votes for 14 games; created November 29, 2019
A poll by Rovarsson
This can apply to the setting of the games; prairies, deserts, icecaps come to mind. It can also apply to the feel of a game, the...

Your Favorite/Best Twine Games - 26 votes for 15 games; created November 3, 2019
A poll by thecanvasrose
1. Please leave a description with your vote and tell me what the game is/why you like it/etc. 2. Free to play games preferred. 3. I'm...

For your consideration: XYZZY-eligible Implementation of 2017 - 14 votes for 13 games; created March 18, 2018
A poll by MathBrush
This is for suggesting games released in 2017 which you think might be worth considering for Best Implementation in the XYZZY awards....

For your consideration: XYZZY-eligible individual PCs of 2017 - 9 votes for 9 games; created March 18, 2018
A poll by MathBrush
This is for suggesting games released in 2017 which you think might be worth considering for Best Individual PC in the XYZZY awards. This...

Best text effects (parser, Twine, other) - 11 votes for 7 games; created August 30, 2017
A poll by MathBrush
What games have you played with great text effects (animations or styling or so on)?

Maintained Hall of Fame / High score list - 19 votes for 14 games; created July 27, 2017
A poll by Denk
Maintained Hall of Fame or high score list is a great idea. Let's list those games where a maintained hall of fame/high score list is...

Less-linear Twine Games - 19 votes for 11 games; created December 8, 2016
A poll by Nathaniel
Twine (or other hypertext) games where your decisions make a significant difference, and the story changes significantly based on them...

Best sci-fi games - 68 votes for 36 games; created July 8, 2013
A poll by Ant-Fan
I'm looking for games from the sci-fi genre. I would prefer classic-style games, even if they're not classics (such as 'Across The...

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