Polls with votes for Wumpus 2000

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Games where the player must draw their own map - 26 votes for 14 games; created March 29, 2021
A poll by Paxton
Ideally these are games whose puzzles/challenges involve the map in some way (hidden connections, layout analysis, &c.) and aren't just...

Games that could use more reviews - 35 votes for 24 games; created April 23, 2020
A poll by MathBrush
I love to review games. Let me know if you've made a game that needs more reviews, or can suggest someone else's! I might not be...

Nontradiational Parser, Gamebook, IF and Systems - 43 votes for 35 games; created October 20, 2019
A poll by thecanvasrose
I'm making a list based on this poll as I play the elected games and can write snippets about them. See here:...

Dynamic open world IFs - 30 votes for 18 games; created October 3, 2016
A poll by Natrium729
I'm looking for good "open world" IFs, that is, IFs where the player can just wander and explore the world without necessarily following...

Procedurally generated IF - 24 votes for 15 games; created October 11, 2015
A poll by verityvirtue
Looking for IF which uses procedural generation (? I'm not a programmer) to derive its writing, story, etc.

What are your favorite games? - 45 votes for 24 games; created December 19, 2013
A poll by Christopher Caesar
I was wondering which games are worth playing, as I haven't found any games that take a while to complete that are worth playing

Games with good rpg elements that are if - 25 votes for 13 games; created September 30, 2011
A poll by Zzoro26
I'm looking for a good interactive IF that has good rpg elements

Games with high replay value - 41 votes for 27 games; created October 2, 2009
A poll by Wendymoon
What games do you find yourself returning to again and again? Maybe to get every last lousy point, to do some amusing things, to try for...

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