Polls with votes for Lime Ergot
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | 11–17 of 17 | Show AllWhat are your favorite games? -
44 votes for 24 games; created December 19, 2013A poll by
Christopher CaesarI was wondering which games are worth playing, as I haven't found any games that take a while to complete that are worth playing
Games with diseases that alter perception -
14 votes for 8 games; created November 11, 2013A poll by
Mrs. Info-adventurerYou know those parasites, fungi, and viruses that attack small insects or animals and control their minds? Well I'm looking for a game...
Speed IFs that are awesome -
44 votes for 23 games; created December 27, 2011A poll by
trojoExpectations for Speed-IFs are generally low, but sometimes games written as Speed-IFs are in fact awesome-- not just "awesome for a...
Very Short Games -
56 votes for 29 games; created November 3, 2010A poll by
tggdan3Games that can be completed in less than 30 mintues. Need not be one room (though that obviously helps). Hopefully, the games are fun as...
Best Short Games (5-60 minutes) -
224 votes for 68 games; created July 12, 2009A poll by
Sasha DavidovnaI'm pretty new to IF and am having a lot of fun, but in between a toddler and a job and other real life stuff, I'm having trouble finding...
Influential Games -
487 votes for 65 games; created February 1, 2009A poll by
RoseAs a historical exercise, I've begun compiling a list of IF games that have either done something ground breaking with the medium or...
Games for Beginners -
276 votes for 73 games; created November 11, 2008A poll by
WriterBobI'm looking for games that are suited for adults who are new to IF. My purpose is to share these games with friends and let them get...
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