Polls with votes for En Garde

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Some of the best and most confusing mechanics you've ever played - 11 votes for 9 games; created August 27, 2024
A poll by Max Fog
I'm looking for games with super weird or confusing mechanics, but actually are really good games. For example, I found the clock...

Games w/ cool mechanics - 18 votes for 9 games; created March 28, 2023
A poll by Cygnus
Lookin' for stuff like Colortura, What Heart Heard of Ghost Guessed, Delightful Wallpaper, etc. Just... anything that has a very...

For your consideration: XYZZY-eligible Implementation for 2018 - 16 votes for 14 games; created April 15, 2019
A poll by MathBrush
This is for suggesting games released in 2018 which you think might be worth considering for Best Implementation in the XYZZY awards....

Games you would like to see finished - 20 votes for 15 games; created July 27, 2018
A poll by Denk
Unfinished games, e.g. IntroComp games, which you would like to see finished. Hopefully, this will encourage authors to finish their...

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