Recommended Lists mentioning Counterfeit Monkey
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 2 3 4 >> | Next | Show AllFavorites (well-built) - 14 items
October 1, 2016A list by
Xuan Li
Favorite wordplay/puzzle/code games - 23 items
December 14, 2015A list by
MathBrushGames whose main 'genre' is wordplay. This list does not include games like the Edifice or Suveh Nux which have significant wordplay...
Games of Infocom quality and length (or better) - 41 items
July 31, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are as long as an Infocom game (i.e. Shade would be too short) and are as good quality (so Colossal Cave Adventure,...
IF Playlist for the Brontoboards - 27 items
March 2, 2014A list by
MollyThis is a list I created as a general guide to interactive fiction for a thread I'm making on Brontoforumus. I'm trying to give a good... Literary IF - 6 items
November 29, 2013A list by
streeverGames that have literary merit make this list. To be accepted, a game should: 1. Evoke deeper themes and meaning, without being blunt. 2....
Word-play and word puzzles - 6 items
November 21, 2013A list by
streeverThis is my list of fun games for word-play/puzzles. Some of them have substantial stories, and some do not.
Recommended Linguistic Games - 16 items
February 28, 2012A list by
E.K.Good games that use language puzzles, or language itself as the puzzle.
Distinctive Puzzle Style - 10 items
October 30, 2007A list by
Sam Kabo AshwellOne of the most powerful techniques for rendering a game memorable is to build it around a unusual, interesting and consistent way of...
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