Recommended Lists mentioning Zork III
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextFavorite IF Authors (represented by games) - 14 items
March 21, 2023A list by
DenkThis list does not include authors, where I have only played one of their games. Thus great games such as Anchorhead and Blue Lacuna are...
to play - 11 items
April 7, 2022A list by
skullofthemagdalenegames i'd like to play at some point but haven't yet found the time
Rather Old IFDB Games - 35 items
February 24, 2022A list by
HoneySpeckThese are games that fit into the category of 'rather old', i.e. they were released before 1990.
Infocom Salvaged Adventures - 33 items
April 21, 2019A list by
TristanoList of the Infocom adventures that were recovered from the salvaged Infocom hard drive, and their source code was published on GitHub in... Favorite "atmosphere" games - 46 items
July 4, 2016A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are fun because of the atmosphere and plot more than the puzzles. These games are not too hard and not too easy....
Zorkian fantasy games - 29 items
January 12, 2016A list by
MathBrushMy best fantasy games list is getting too long, so I decided to branch off a list of all Zorkian fantasy games. These are games that have...
The Canonical Infocom Games - 36 items
April 1, 2012A list by
wfaulkThis is a list of the canonical Infocom games in order of release, as according to the Infocom Fact Sheet. My favourite old IF games - 6 items
October 7, 2011A list by
zhaofengOld IF games.
My List Of Most Fun Games Ever - 29 items
May 16, 2011A list by
Rotonoto(in purely alphabetical order)
Games with a Time Travel Puzzle - 5 items
March 30, 2010A list by
tggdan3Maybe the whole game isn't about time travel, but I really got into some games when they had a time travel puzzle in it- especially when...
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