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Guess the Verb!

by Leonard Richardson profile

Inform 6

About the Story

"Now you too can GUESS THE VERB for fun and prizes! Read evocative and amusing room descriptions while manipulating interesting objects! Interact with the simulated motives and desires of quirky NPCs! No thesaurus required!" [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]

Page Update History

v.9: 25-Mar-2013 05:29 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs, Web site URL, download links
v.8: 06-May-2022 23:50 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.7: 06-May-2022 23:49 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
  v.6: 25-Mar-2013 05:29 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.5: 29-Apr-2009 19:53 - Dave Chapeskie
Changed download links
v.4: 02-May-2008 14:06 - leonardr
Changed cover art, author
v.3: 29-Apr-2008 12:04 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.2: 27-Feb-2008 23:11 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:47 - IFDB
Created page

4 Off-Site Reviews

>VERBOSE -- Paul O'Brian's Interactive Fiction Page

Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write: Guess the Verb is fun. In fact, I'll go even better than that: Guess the Verb is great! I was quite worried when I saw the game's title, fearing that I faced another Annoyotron, or at best a riff on the Textfire game Verb!. What I got instead was a highly enjoyable comp game that I'm eagerly looking forward to revisiting after the judging period is over. What a bargain! For one thing, the game is just screamingly funny. In fact, even the meta-game materials are hilarious. Not two minutes after loading up GTV I was giggling like a loon. My wife walked past and asked, "Good game?" "I haven't even started the game yet!" I replied. "I'm just reading the instructions!"
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Despite the problems I had with the puzzles and the walkthrough, I did find this an interesting diversion. I think it might be interesting to see some expansion on this game, some more involved scenarios, in a post-comp release that didn't have to fit a 2-hour limit, but even as is the game is worth a look; if nothing else, if you don't get a scenario you like, restoring to right before you choose is easy enough.
-- Tina Sikorski
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I laughed out loud at several parts of this game. The author's spoof "Introduction to IF Concepts" is particularly silly, and shows that this game is not for newcomers to IF at all. The intended audience is anyone who spends a lot of time playing and writing Inform programs and programming in general. Someone like the author, most likely. At one point, one NPC remarks accurately that the game might be getting a little too self-referential, which may limit its potential as a Work of Art, but does gives scope for a lot of knowing in-jokes. To be fair, there is also plenty of other humour spoofing funfairs, parenting, B-movies and so on.
-- Cedric Knight
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You must explore, plunder and stay alive - all while avoiding the most terrible of fates, being reunited with your parents. I enjoyed this game.
-- Dorothy Millard
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