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by Ben Parrish

Episode 1 of Annoyotron
Inform 6

(based on 15 ratings)
3 reviews16 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

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Average Rating: based on 15 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Not even annoying, October 19, 2007
by Tracy Poff (Hamlin, West Virginia, United States)

Although the game apparently attempts to be annoying, it falls short even of that. I suppose that it might be annoying if I were simultaneously very persistent and unaware of the ability to put multiple commands on a line or use my up arrow, together with expecting the game to be serious, but those circumstances, and especially the last, given that the game's name is "Annoyotron", are vanishingly unlikely to come about.

I imagine that it's possible to make a game that is annoying and worth playing, but this is neither.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A game that sets out to annoy through tedium, June 10, 2016

This game is just trying to bother you. It sends you through 350 rooms in a row to win the game.

Like many games that set out to be bad, it is not as bad as sincere games that fail. It attracted a lot of attention when it came out, mostly negative, and references to it are sprinkled about old IF discussions.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Twice as good as "The Temple of No", still not worth playing, July 27, 2017

There is not a single redeemable quality in this vapid game, and should be avoided.

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1 Off-Site Review

Baf's Guide

Billed as "The Most Annoying Game of All Time," but it doesn't even come close. The joke is obvious by the second move of the game, but takes around 350 more moves to play out and isn't that funny. There isn't even a real punchline. Not so much annoying as pointless.

Another game which plays similarly but is much more interesting is Zork: A Troll's-Eye View.

-- R. Serena Wakefield


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