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+ = x

by Chandler Groover profile

Science Fiction

About the Story

An equation is a language, which is a road to move information. All matter is information. Even a crust trimmed from a sandwich. Even a planet's crust, adrift in space, with its core blown. Those lights are the last cities, sparkling in the dark. That crescent husk is what remains, floating between the stars. Everything is an engine, and every planet is a vehicle.

Game Details

Off-Site Reviews


The story is able to leverage its unique take on interactivity to enrich its dystopian satire, allowing the reader to share first hand in the helplessness of its unlucky characters. It succeeds because its interactive elements remain invisible and fluid as they integrate seamlessly with the themes of the underlying piece of short fiction.
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Kirjallinen suunnistaja

Groover tarjoaa vinksahtaneita ja absurdeja näkymiä, mutta tällä kertaa hyvin pelkistetyssä ja lyhyessä muodossa. Teoksen muoto ja sisältö vastaavat yksinkertaisella tavalla toisiaan: Texturen "lappuset" ovat ennustuskoneen nielemiä kortteja, joita lukija syöttää sisään henkilöhahmon puolesta. Leikkisää, mutta sanoisinko oivaltavaksi? Ehkä, mutta teoksen filosofinen ulottuvuus jäi minulle hämäräksi.
See the full review

Page Update History

v.4: 16-Nov-2018 17:19 - Doug Orleans (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
  v.3: 16-Nov-2018 17:19 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.2: 16-Nov-2018 13:26 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.1: 03-Oct-2018 11:40 - Sobol
Created page