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by Howard Sherman


Web Site

About the Story

Did you ever try to solve a murder mystery before? If you enjoy reading a good crime novel, you'll really enjoy trying to solve one. When you enter the Greystone Mental Hospital undercover, you must stop the vicious killer before he claims another innocent victim. Whether you enjoy a good work of crime fiction or an addictive murder mystery game, Greystone is a title you will never forget.

After you've built your case through discovery of evidence and establishment of motive, make your arrest. Just make sure you have the right man and he won't walk on a technicality. With forty different endings, Greystone is a murder mystery that will challenge you like never before.

Will the murderer be caught? That's up to you. Greystone is a work of Interactive Fiction where anything is possible and everything is worth a try. You are the detective in this murder mystery and innocent people are counting on you to stop the relentless killer before he takes another life. Don't take too long to make an arrest for Greystone's killer may well discover your true identity and mark you as his next victim.

Game Details

Page Update History

v.4: 19-Feb-2008 22:08 - verityvirtue (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
v.3: 27-Jun-2009 02:28 - GDL
Changed publication date
v.2: 05-Apr-2008 12:08 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
  v.1: 19-Feb-2008 22:08 - Emily Short
Created page