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Fingertips: I Hear the Wind Blow

by Jacqueline A. Lott profile

(based on 25 ratings)
1 review30 members have played this game. It's on 16 wishlists.

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Average Rating: based on 25 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Creepy one-move Apollo 18 album game, May 21, 2016

I hear the wind blows is definitely one of the better one-move games in the Apollo 18 Tribute Album.

It is a creepy, atmospheric game. You wake up in the dark, hearing the wind blow. The writing is crisp and teases at the truth.

It can be a bit difficult guessing what verbs to use, but like most one move games, it's more fun to stop without trying to plumb the depths. The HELP command allows you to read the whole backstory, but I found that this destroyed the effect of the game.

Great one move game.

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