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It's Easter, Peeps!

by Sara Brookside

(based on 5 ratings)
2 reviews6 members have played this game.

About the Story

A one-room game where your goal is to assemble an Easter basket of goodies for your son, Max.

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 5 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
An endearing game, but with slightly unintuitive puzzles, April 20, 2014

ClubFloyd played the Inform version of this on Easter 2014. Overall, I am glad to have played it, but take it for what it is: a one-room puzzlefest with a holiday theme. I recommend you play it on or near Easter to boost the enjoyment, and be willing to try things you would never ever try in a real life confection shop.

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1 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Fairly lightweight, but nothing egregiously wrong with it, December 18, 2007
by Kake (London, England)
Related reviews: Sara Brookside, ***

This is a fairly lightweight, fairly light-hearted puzzle game. None of the puzzles are particularly difficult, so it's slightly annoying that the NPC calls out unsolicited hints from time to time. Some ambiguity problems, but only one typo that I spotted ("petit fors"). Admittedly this is explicitly a one-room game, but it still felt quite insubstantial to me.

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2 Off-Site Reviews

Reviews Exchange
Reviews from David Whylde and TDS.
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Review by Valentine Kopteltsev.
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It's Easter, Peeps! on IFDB


The following polls include votes for It's Easter, Peeps!:

IF that centers around holidays by Molly
I'm looking for IF that centers around specific real-world holidays, e.g. Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Passover, the Fourth of July, Guy Fawkes Day, Halloween, etc.

Fun single-room games by Jeff Sonas
My kids (9 and 12) like to play IF games on my phone during car drives so they are looking for something quick and fun that doesn't require much mapping. What single-room adventures are out there?

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