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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Pulled off well, January 3, 2023
by Lance Cirone (Backwater, Vermont)

After I had fun with Nord and Bert,
I thought, more word games couldn't hurt!
I had high expectations,
and with little hesitation,
went in receptive and alert.

The comedy rhyming is consistently a joy,
and depending on who you employ,
the story will take different a turn.
You can always undo, so no cause for concern.
(A good move, as the inverse would annoy.)

To the heist's challenge, my squad arose,
all written in the game's unique style of prose.
Not once did it feel bland or uninspired,
it stays quite fresh, so you won't get tired.
Lots of work was put in, and it shows!

The premise enticed,
review scores sufficed,
so allow me to conclude this review
with a statement that's honest and true:
I'm glad I played Limerick Heist!

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