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All Hail The King!

by Luke Skytrekker profile

(based on 9 ratings)
1 review8 members have played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Your father the King has died in a tragic accident involving a salute of cannonry, and now you must succeed him to the throne! Elect two courtiers to your Cabinet, annoy your creepy Chancellor, and determine the fate of your realm and reign!
At the end, you'll get a summary of your accomplishments as King, no matter how sparse they may be. If you're lucky, you'll set yourself up for a long and happy reign... If you're not, well... You can always play again!

Be warned this is only the second game I've ever published, and once again it was constrained in its development because I needed to finish it in time for my Brother's birthday. Also, some bugs may be present, but hopefully they've all been ironed out.

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 9 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
An amusing little medieval/goofy farce, December 17, 2017
Related reviews: less than 15 minutes

I have to give a caveat about my score first; I think this game is really around a 5 out of 10 on the IFComp scale; it's short, silly, self-conscious. But, it satisfies all of my 5 star criteria:

1. Polished: I didn't encounter any errors, and the writing was consistent, and even the plain twine styling seemed to fit the story.
2. Descriptive: The game has a nice voice and inventive language (I chuckled at the word turdburglar, especially because I misread it at first).
3. Interactivity: The game presented me with exactly the kind of options I wanted at several points in the game. It was actually very effective at presenting options that made me go 'Yes! This is exactly what I want to do'.
4. Emotion. I smiled a lot.
5. Would I play it again? Yes, I'm interested in exploring the mechanics.

So this is technically a 5, but on the 'how much will the average IF player like it' scale, I'd give it a 2-3.

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