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by Livia J. Elliot profile


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About the Story

At night, someone talks while weighed down by memories. Escaping, fleeing, running away... for no purpose, or so they say, but like an interminable sequence of repetitious steps. But is that all there is? Perhaps, you want to hear what this someone says. Perchance, only by remembering he will find a way forwards. This is a literary, philosophical coming-of-age where limited language bars emotional understanding.


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Livia's Unearthed Stories ~ Dark Fantasy by ProwessGames
Interactive stories written by Livia J. Elliot, lead writer at ProwessGames, for our game Unearthed Stories—a library of heavily thematic, speculative interactive fiction. This list includes DARK FANTASY books only.


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Some of the best and most confusing mechanics you've ever played by Max Fog
I'm looking for games with super weird or confusing mechanics, but actually are really good games. For example, I found the clock mechanic in Finding Martin really confusing, but I really like it.

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