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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Gloriously Grotesque Parable on Gluttony, October 4, 2017
by Angharade
Related reviews: IF COMP 2017

This was so much fun.

I was utterly invested in the story. It was laugh out loud, over the top, and sometimes horrifying. I saw it all happen. I tasted it. I got hungry and had to take breaks to eat pasta, but then I was eating things in the game--that--I never--thought----

This was a visual masterpiece, a chef's horror and wet dream at the same time.

All results thought out, hints were helpful. I will say that I think the ending had a higher potential for depth than was carried out--but overall I felt almost fully satiated. My brain still craves eating a castle door made of devil's food cake, but alas, we can't always get what we want.

Brilliant piece, brilliant writing.

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