Reviews by Angharade

IF COMP 2017

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The Wizard Sniffer, by Buster Hudson
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Utterly delightful- initially. not for beginners, November 15, 2017*
Related reviews: IF COMP 2017

The writing was phenomenal. Hilarious, cadenced, and consistently clever. I felt sympathetic for the other characters, and was easily put into character. The limited parser was actually helpful in reminding one of one's own situation: namely, being a pig.

The first half of the game was enchanting, but after a while, it became exhausting trying to guess what the author was thinking. The fleas (hints) were certainly helpful, but it was really kind of just--limited. There are certainly games which are very linear in fashion, and that works for some people. For me, I do prefer that the puzzles aren't quite as repetitive or stacked.

I believe that more proficient game players than I will perhaps have a higher patience level with the game, and will enjoy the difficulty, and not mind being so patient. I suppose for me it began to feel tedious, even as I thoroughly was enjoying the character, the plot, and the unique writing and play on tropes. Perhaps a better review of this is--it may seem like a beginner game, but it's not. The hints are fun, but do not entirely remedy the tiring aspects (e.g. running in circles).

I did not finish the game. I came close to the end, but ended up looking at the walkthrough and feeling daunted and frustrated by the series of steps necessary. Again, I'm a novice player--a more experienced player might not feel this way. I hope to play more games by the author, and amongst the games I'm playing for the IF 2017 competition, it stands head and shoulders above the rest, simply in terms of writing quality.

* This review was last edited on November 18, 2017
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Eat Me, by Chandler Groover
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Gloriously Grotesque Parable on Gluttony, November 15, 2017
Related reviews: IF COMP 2017

This was so much fun.

I was utterly invested in the story. It was laugh out loud, over the top, and sometimes horrifying. I saw it all happen. I tasted it. I got hungry and had to take breaks to eat pasta, but then I was eating things in the game--that--I never--thought----

This was a visual masterpiece, a chef's horror and wet dream at the same time.

All results thought out, hints were helpful. I will say that I think the ending had a higher potential for depth than was carried out--but overall I felt almost fully satiated. My brain still craves eating a castle door made of devil's food cake, but alas, we can't always get what we want.

Brilliant piece, brilliant writing.

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Salt, by Gareth Damian Martin
2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Meditative IF Therapy, October 18, 2017
Related reviews: IF COMP 2017

This felt like swimming. It felt like being alive. I flickered with the screen.

It's not a puzzle to solve, exactly. If you are looking for a parser based "traditional" IF game, look elsewhere. This is more of a thought experiment, or maybe a spirit journey.

I see this game as being similar in feel to For a Change by Dan Schmidt, if only in the minimalist yet evocative writing. It was paced in a way that kept me. I experienced this fully immersed in the experience, and I arrived at the end changed, a different being.

Without giving too much away about the process, I will say that it is in some senses more of a meditative exercise or a fully immersive poem than a game to "win" or lose. This in no way detracts from the fact that this is outstanding, brilliant, and something I will be recommending for clients I work with as part of art or play therapy.

Minimalism that works--my favorite thing.

May speak to some on a more personal level than others. Resonating, and clear as a bell.

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