A Beauty Cold and Austere

by Mike Spivey profile


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Number of Reviews: 9
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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
YMMV, May 21, 2018
by Marco Innocenti (Florence, Italy)

ABCaA is an incredibly polished game, with complex mechanics that perfectly work and some good writing. Its major "flaw" is that it requires too much knowledge from outside of the game. The 4 stars are an average between these two contexts: 1) you are not into mathematics and want a game whose puzzles can be solved "from the inside": 3/5 because the game is very, very strong in many aspects but you shall eventually never finish it; 2) you like maths and are good at them: 5/5, because the game is a romp which is frankly perfect.

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Autymn Castleton, December 21, 2017 (updated July 26, 2021) - Reply
This comment has been deleted.
IFforL2, May 20, 2018 - Reply
That was incredibly rude. Marco is not a native English speaker, yet has written perhaps the finest high fantasy series in the IF world in English. This database is not intended to be a forum for trolling, but a place for sharing information about a shared interest. Please apologise.
Autymn Castleton, August 13, 2018 - Reply
No one is a native English talker; English has been dead for 1000 years sith the Norman Conquest. Everyone talks in "Einglish" now. The mistakes in the comment often come from Americans, so Marco's background and your ignorant comment are irrelevant. I do not troll.
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