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Doctor Who and the Dalek Super-Brain

by jkj yuio profile

Sci-fi retro

(based on 1 rating)
1 review3 members have played this game.

About the Story

Prepare to hide behind the sofa!

You are Doctor Who in this interactive graphic adventure. The Doctor faces his arch-enemies, the Daleks, in a battle of wits and choices. Choose wisely and you may just prevail, choose badly and you'll be swiftly exterminated!

But it's worse! The Daleks have constructed a giant computer "Super-Brain" with a single goal: universal domination. Can you and your assistant, Bex, outwit this formidable foe? Who knows?

Content Warnings: Violence, Death.


Ratings and Reviews

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Short illustrated Dr Who game about escaping a Dalek facility, September 8, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

I'm surprised this one has no review yet, I think this is the most fun jkj yuio game I've played so far.

It's a direct use of Dr Who characters and lore. You play as the doctor, with companion Bex, who only appeared in an audio drama (unless the name is a coincidence). You've accidentally teleported into a Dalek base and need to get out.

The game is a light snack, a thirty minute adventure with few puzzles and mostly exploration. The Daleks here are powerful but not the strongest they've ever been, lacking some core skills they've had in other adaptations.

The 3d models jkj yuio makes look a lot better in this than before, you can tell his skill is increasing. I think the mechanical nature of much of the scenery in the game helps with that, but also the faces are less uncanny-valley.

Overall, I enjoyed this. Is it because it relies heavily on a media franchise I like or because of the author's own merits? Maybe both; I feel like the author's enthusiasm for Dr Who led to a strong effort. In any case, this doesn't take very long to play, so it's worth checking out.

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