Toby's Nose

by Chandler Groover profile


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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Don't read any spoilers. Solve this absorbing mystery., April 12, 2015
by Hanon Ondricek (United States)

Dogs have superior olfactory abilities, and this game simulates that. Scents have memories attached, and you can explore scent-memories and the entire world of a case and solve it from one room as Sherlock Holmes's dog. This is a great use of a "Castle of the Red Prince" style approach, which the author notes is intentional.

There's no time limit or pressure as Toby reviews scents and memories. The case can be solved by guessing right on the first turn, but definitely don't try that. I accused everyone *but* the right person. Well, I didn't accuse Holmes or Watson. Needless to say, great mystery, great game. Only a few tiny minor disambiguations to be expected (Spoiler - click to show)such as opium pipes and church organ pipes but nothing I found that ruined the game.

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<blank>, March 5, 2016 - Reply
Hah, the very first thing I tried - because I'm that kind of guy - was to accuse Holmes, Watson, Lestrade, and the rug.

A game that can handle that sort of thing gracefully on the first few turns - and I was delighted by the way the game handled it - is a game I can sink my teeth on with enthusiasm and antecipation.
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