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Stalling for Time

by Dominic Delabruere profile

Inform 7

(based on 1 rating)
1 review

About the Story

You and Kerouac are both at least nominally from Lowell. And you’re both from Québécois families. But the similarity ends about there. What you need, he said, is “the energy of a benny addict.” He had it, and you don’t. What you do have, at long last, is the use of a car and enough cash to fuel it all the way to the West. Never mind that these things are only yours for the moment.

(Please note that this is the drastically incomplete IntroComp version of Stalling for Time, meant only as an introduction to a much longer, more complete game to follow.)


Honorable Mention - IntroComp 2011

Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Quite entertaining, despite the incompleteness, August 14, 2024
by NegSec (North America)

Can't wait till the full game is released.

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: July 1, 2011
Current Version: 1
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: DFA9166A-85C5-11E0-A9B7-001FE134DB12
TUID: tl477wxyspity51i

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