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Evita Sempai

by Florencia Rumpel Rodriguez

(based on 10 ratings)
3 reviews13 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

A woman in the fifties falls in love with an idealized version of a polemical political figure.


Entrant, Main Festival - Spring Thing 2016

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 10 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Vignettes of relationships and romances, April 27, 2016*
by verityvirtue (London)
Related reviews: Spring Thing 2016

Evita Sempai centres around one woman's adoration/love for Eva Perón, who was the first lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952. It is told in a series of episodes from the narrator's perspective, centred around encounters with Perón.

This game has social relationships at its core, but where other games allow us to manipulate our position in those relationships, the narrator of Evita Sempai already has a predefined position in her social circle. Dropping the player in all these relationships in medias res felt a little disorienting at first, but it also helped to flesh out a fully-formed protagonist who was not only in love with Eva Perón, but also a sister, daughter and breadwinner.

I went into this game without any knowledge of who Eva Perón was, but it's not strictly necessary. Context will certainly explain the later events in this game, and perhaps explain other NPCs' reactions to the titular first lady.

I found the narrator's relationships with NPCs difficult to follow initially, but this is really a minor quibble. Evita Sempai is neatly styled, with changing backgrounds highlighting the transitions between sections.

I am a sucker for local detail and this game does a nicely subtle job of it, even though (to my memory) city and place names are almost never mentioned. Evita Sempai explores a real-life setting not often found in IF, which is definitely something I'd like to see more of.

* This review was last edited on April 28, 2016
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A short, well-styled tale of a woman's love for Eva Peron, April 6, 2016*
Related reviews: Spring Thing 2016

This game has a nice choice of background and font. It is a mostly linear Twine game with a slow, deliberate pace. The text often appears on a slow timer, and the links that don't progress the story are generally reflective cycles. Both of these design choices force the reader to contemplate the game at a relaxed pace.

The story offered several surprises to me. I found it to be well-developed, a description of one woman's lifetime. Everything was understated and hinted at rather than pushed through.

My only issues with the game were that I felt that the placement of links and the available choices didn't make me feel involved in the story, and that the story could have been more descriptive. I only feel comfortable mentioning these flaws, though, because the rest of the game did such a good job.

* This review was last edited on April 7, 2016
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., September 30, 2016*

This is a short story, nostalgic, bittersweet, and burned at the edges with a war candle type of story. It's about a woman who falls in love with another woman, who's more powerful, in a historic Argentina that most people don't know about. It's also a family drama, the main character isolated and alone knowing she's kind of like the black sheep of the family being the only one who is unmarried. Now, I have read some South American literature that took place in Chile, but not much about Argentina. But I know what happened was very tragic and similar in the fact that it had to do with corrupt government and war (although i could be wrong on this.) And this story gives a slight glimpse. The story is beautifully written, if you take out the CSS, you would probably find it as novelette in one of those artsy small presses I love so much that sell translated Latinx literature.

Pros: beautiful CSS and writing.
Cons: mmm can't think of any except there was a bug towards the end of the game causing me to switch browsers. Which isn't that big of an issue because it's not unknown that Twine doesn't work in certain browsers.

* This review was last edited on October 1, 2016
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3 Off-Site Reviews

Christopher Huang
It seems to me that the restraint and slightness of this piece, like a haiku, leaves a void which we, players and spectators, feel compelled to fill with our interpretation and analysis. In that sense, it is a work best approached with a promise to engage, a commitment; a more casual passerby might swallow it in under a minute and barely even notice.
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Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling
At times I struggled to connect with this character other than in the broadest, most abstract sense, perhaps because I lack the necessary background: I’m not familiar with, say, traditions about clothing in 1940s Argentina, so when the protagonist’s sister cycles through certain garments, this doesn’t signal very much to me. It might have helped me to have either a bit more detail, or a bit more context for the details that are present; others may feel differently. Still, in its general outlines this is not a story I have heard in IF form (or, really, at all) before.
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Wade's Important Astrolab
The narration is direct but without much elaboration. In most cases, links telescope out to slightly longer lines of prose, showing runs of actions or little vicissitudes. In places where there's opportunity for emotionality, I felt I was expected to supply it, rather than that the prose would, but the story's shortness and modesty of exposition meant I didn't invest much.
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Game Details

Language: English, Castilian (en, es)
First Publication Date: April 6, 2016
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFIDs:  415494E3-2906-4D55-815D-04F9E60F448E
TUID: sh5jnhgsxwwu71t1

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