The Simuloid Affair: Infinite Possibilities

by C.E.J. Pacian profile


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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
My Disappointment is Immeasurable and My Day is Ruined, May 31, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

The Simuloid Affair: Infinite Possibilities is a short timed (turns) parser starting (well, more like ending) with a bang! You wake up from a strange dream and find on the other side of the barrel of a gun pointed at you, your partner in crime, hunting you down for being… not a human, it turns out. OH! and there’s also a bomb that will blow up in a minute (about a dozen-ish turns?).

The title suggest an infinite amount of ways to get yourself out of this sticky situation, with many ways of escaping and be free of all of this, maybe even learn if you’re truly a simuloid or someone up-high has done this to get back at you. Kinda gives me heavy Blade Runner vibes.

Except… well. You’re not really a dexterous person (somehow!!! considering you’re a hunter??), so getting out of there is tricky. Really tricky. Almost impossibly tricky.

If you don’t manage to get out, or just want to stay a bit longer because Ursula (your partner) needs to unload (hehe, she has a gun) what’s on her mind, you’d learn quite a bit about yourself, how everything got to this point, and your environment.

Who am I kidding… not a single command works in this game. You can try your best! But you will get at best a proper fail response, or just a random one that is barely related to what you just typed.

The game (I started with failing on purpose at first) has such a great setup that you can’t believe it would just end like this. I mean, I should have expected it, but it still managed to pull the rug under me EVERY SINGLE TIME. Damn it.

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