by Seth Silverstone


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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
只對特定的觀眾上訴, February 21, 2017
by IFforL2 (Chiayi, Taiwan)

這段恐怖視覺小說設在台灣的大學校園。寫作風格是還可以的, 有點陳詞濫調。有很長的無選擇的敘事,特別是在前面。後來一些選擇導致突然失敗,雖然可能把故事帶到兩個不同的結局。

This horror CYOA is set at a particular university campus in Taiwan. For this reason, it may appeal only to a very specific audience. The quality of writing is not bad, but unremarkable. There are long stretches of narrative without options, especially at the beginning. Later, there are a couple of binary choices, one leading to sudden death, and the other continuing the narrative. A few consequential choices do exist, and it is possible to find two different endings.

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verityvirtue, January 13, 2017 - Reply
I added the tag "Chinese mythology" because it referenced Jing Wei - in fact one of the NPCs calls herself that - which I gather is a mythical bird (formerly daughter of Yan Di/Flame King) which filled the sea with rocks.
IFforL2, January 14, 2017 - Reply
My apologies. I'll change my review.
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