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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Solve a bar's beer problem, September 18, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

I had mixed feelings seeing this game's blurb and name. On the one hand, I've enjoyed all of Vivienne's games, which tend to focus on historical settings and have excellent implementation. On the other hand, I've played many games that start in pubs that weren't very good (I think there was a pub-based jam once that may account for some of those memories?).

Fortunately, this was a well-made, charming, short game that has a tight focus and a nice message. You are at a bar, but all the beer has gone bad. You're asked to investigate, and soon you find out more about the bar and its history.

This game has one puzzle that I struggled with for a bit, but once I realized the solution it was actually quite elegant. I found two different endings. While short, I liked the characters in it, who seemed so believable that I could easily imagine them being real.

Has a high content-to-length ratio, so I definitely think people should check it out.

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