Flattened London

by Carter Gwertzman


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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Maybe come back to this game later, the IFComp 2020 version seems buggy, October 28, 2020
by RadioactiveCrow (Irving, TX)
Related reviews: 2-3 hours

So I think this game had a couple things going against it for me. Primarily, I think the game is still very much not polished. Playing through it there were objects that I feel should have been implemented that weren't, as well as a lot of objects with very similar names so I had trouble getting the game to do what I wanted it to do (like reading this piece of paper instead of that one). Even the walkthrough provided with the IFComp 2020 version I think had an error in it: (Spoiler - click to show)You are supposed to attach a sharp rock (flint) to a device you get to turn it into a lighter, but I never found sharp rock and I can't see the walkthrough telling me where it is either. If any other players out there found it or if I missed it in the walkthrough let me know so I can correct this.

Also, and this might be a bigger deal than I realize, while I've played Fallen London a little I never really got into it the way others did, so it is possible parts of this game are lost on me.

I think this game has a lot of potential, having it play out in two dimensions is a neat idea and that could lead to some clever mechanics, and the atmosphere is interesting. It just needs a little more work.

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MathBrush, October 28, 2020 - Reply
You get the rock when you give the researcher the book on fire, I think.
RadioactiveCrow, October 28, 2020 - Reply
(Spoiler - click to show)Interesting. I'm not sure if I got to that part. Maybe it is something you don't have to "get", it just ends up in your inventory after you take a certain action, which would explain why I can't find a reference to getting the rock in the walkthrough.
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