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111 cm. de aprendizaje

by Laura Baleztena profile

Slice of life

(based on 2 ratings)
1 review2 members have played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Diary, autobiographical, music, literature, short stories,

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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
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Una historia cíclica y conmovedora, April 12, 2020
by nidstang68 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Related reviews: spanish, hypertext, español, laura baleztena, diego katabian, 111, cm, aprendizaje

Lo bueno si breve, dos veces bueno.

Baleztena da a descubrir el ajetreado mundo de una persona con discapacidad. En el texto hay tanta diserción filosófica como anécdota en primera persona.

Desgarrador, sincero, y por momentos vago. El texto es corto, y el usuario navega una línea principal, pudiendo abrirse a pequeñas piezas de ficción que complementan el relato de la protagonista.

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2 Off-Site Reviews

111 cm. de aprendizaje
Biographical diary
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111 cm. de aprendizaje
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111 cm. de aprendizaje on IFDB


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Games about experiencing chronic/long-term illness by verityvirtue
Games which primarily involve the experiences of the PC or an NPC with an illness, which may involve their experiences with healthcare professionals and other services. Not to say there isn't a place for games whose PCs have a long-term...

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