Laura BaleztenaPamplona, SpainMember since February 12, 2016 Last visited January 2, 2018 Profile ID (TUID): w3owryokvm8kmb3q
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English and Social Science teacher. Writer in my free time. I think Electronic Literature is an interesting tool for my students to enjoy my subjects, and a different way to write short stories. The possibility of adding images and music gives a more covering feeling of the reading.
Interactive Fiction by Laura Baleztena
111 cm. de aprendizaje, by Laura Baleztena (2016)
(2 ratings)
Diary, autobiographical, music, literature, short stories,
Imperialismo, IGM e inicios del cine, by Laura Baleztena (2017)
(1 rating)
"Create-your-own-story" tale through which the reader can travel to some of the most outstanding moments of Europe at the end of the XIX century.
La cuarta especie, by Laura Baleztena (2016)
(1 rating)
A new species tells the story of Humanity, from Prehistory until the beginning of the Modern Age. Painting and music from each historical period go with the texts in this instructive game.
Relatos en la historia: la cuarta especie, by Laura Baleztena (2016)
Este es el primero de una serie de relatos ficticios unidos por hechos históricos reales. Los textos van acompañados de imágenes y músicas correspondientes a cada etapa.
Revoluciones en Francia e Inglaterra s.XIX, by Laura Baleztena (2017)
"Create-your-own-story" game through which a character travels to different European revolutions of the XIX century.
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Reviews by Laura Baleztena
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