Suspended in the air so that all of your weight is concentrated on a single point halfway down your spine

by Charm Cochran profile

Episode 2 of The RGB Cycle

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Spine-chilling sequel, June 21, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: neotwinyjam

Suspended […] is the second instalment of the RGB cycle, where we play as a very flawed man, finding himself wounded and locked in some sort of basement. Above (and around), we can hear the voices of our wife and her mother (a returning character) looking for you (or better yet, “looking” for the latter). With your limited mobility and incredible pain, you still attempt to escape this dark situation. Surely… not in vain?

As the first instalment, the title is unsurprisingly quite telling about the setting, but nonetheless chilling. Though, unlike the former, the game plays with futility in actions. You can do much, but your influence over the story is well… what much can you do suspended. Still, you don’t seem to despair, trying anything you can, fighting for yourself.

It is an interesting look at man’s drive to push forward even when nothing good will surely come out of it. The unwillingness to give up. And with your MIL’s parting words, it made me wonder what it does day about the PC…

I can’t wait to see who/what we’re getting next!

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