External Links

Story file
Requires an ADRIFT version 4 interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links. (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)
Gargoyle version
Requires an ADRIFT version 4 interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.

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Pirate's Plunder!

by Tiberius Thingamus profile


About the Story

In this game, it be yer goal to findeth ye olde, cursed treasure on Loot Island and taketh it fer yer own. Not even that evil Captain Hookhead can stoppeth ye once ye put ye mind to it. Know why? If ye guessed "Because I'm a pirate," yer on the right track, me hearty!

Page Update History

v.11: 04-Sep-2010 01:53 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.10: 16-May-2024 00:23 - Zape
Changed download links
v.9: 01-Mar-2023 16:23 - Denk
Changed download links
v.8: 15-Feb-2023 19:29 - Denk
Changed download links
v.7: 01-Feb-2023 07:46 - Denk
Changed development system
v.6: 01-Feb-2023 07:05 - Denk
Changed development system
v.5: 26-Apr-2017 11:05 - J. J. Guest
Changed cover art
  v.4: 04-Sep-2010 01:53 - DB
Changed author
v.3: 04-Aug-2010 14:51 - DB
Changed IFIDs, download links
v.2: 04-Aug-2010 14:24 - DB
Changed description
v.1: 04-Aug-2010 13:05 - Juhana
Created page

Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: August 2, 2010
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: ADRIFT
IFIDs:  ADRIFT-400-D18C8AC1352DB0B2F83B40BAE5861AA3
TUID: l2ilwuc1pjludp7p