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vale of singing metals

by foresthexes


(based on 7 ratings)
2 reviews10 members have played this game. It's on 5 wishlists.

About the Story

stumble through a tiny dream world navigating by swallowed metals & bones.


Entrant - Twiny Jam

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 7 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Tiny maze in a harsh landscape, February 15, 2016*
by verityvirtue (London)
Related reviews: phlegmatic

Time to completion: 10-20 minutes

Written for Porpentine's Twiny Jam, vale of singing metals presents a dream-like maze in a strange landscape. Landmarks like boiling streams and oil lakes give the impression of a volcanic landscape, life creeping in fields of grass and flowers. And, yes, it is that now-rare thing in IF, a maze. Yet, it feels less of a hassle than an exploration through an empty space.

vale of singing metals is a lovely little piece, scenic in the way that Kitty Horrorshow's work is, and an interesting take on how mazes can be implemented in very little space.

* This review was last edited on January 1, 2017
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A favourite, May 22, 2015

vale of singing metals is probably the best Twiny Jam entrant I've played so far, and an excellent example of how to create a challenging game in Twine: by using links to create a maze. At first you merely want to find your bearings and explore. Later, you find an object and instructions on where to put it.

This is a straightforward concept, but vale of singing metals uses dream-logic and surreal, evocative sensations to guide the player through the maze. Saying much more about it would probably spoil it.

The colour scheme is enjoyable and works well with the dreamlike but calm ambience.

Strongly recommended to those who are interested in seeing the more game-like uses of Twine, or who want a poetic but decently challenging puzzle.

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