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About the Story

Investiga qué ocurre en un pueblo donde las desapariciones y muertes no son lo que parecen.


8th Place, Le Grand Guignol - Spanish - ECTOCOMP 2023

Ratings and Reviews

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
The beginning of a big 1800's horror mystery, November 7, 2023
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is an excellent Twine game...for a little bit. Then it ends, unfinished.

This game places you in the role of a detective in the 1800s, travelling to a region to try to help solve a series of disappearances.

Children are going missing in a grove of trees, and adults as well. The townfolk are fearful, and there is a too-powerful landlord hovering over everything.

The writing is good, with distinct characters that you can interview. It takes place over several days; unfortunately, it ends after the first day.

Excellent start; it only remains to finish.

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Game Details

Language: Castilian (es)
First Publication Date: October 31, 2023
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: EE1C3475-1E4F-4673-B0FE-7D2650E738CD
TUID: k1ik4gcjn78bk500

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